One of the Prettiest girls out of all Maddie's always make you fall for them with ease they are so nice,kind, beautiful and everything you'd look for in a girl.They are always out of your league and they always have brown hair but some might decide to dye their hair with strands of blonde in January 2023.Overall there is nothing better in the whole wide world than Maddie, they will always in your head and always look good with or without make up.
Boy 1:I like this girl but I'm out of her league
Boy 2: oh you like Maddie , you still like her?
Boy 1: Yeah I can't get over her even though I never dated her
The most kind person. Always dirty minded but has a sense of humor with it. Always keeps a smile on your face. The gurgle gurgle slurp girl...
Oh Maddie....
She is really pretty she just doesn't realize it. People don't know that she cry's herself to sleep every night. She trys her hardest but, its never enough for anyone. she is the type of person to keep everything thats going on in her life to her self and she could be dying inside and you would even know it. She trust people way to easily. She is honestly the most strongest person i know with how much shes been through.
Aj: Bro is that maddie?
deigo: yeah bro
Aj: she's fine asf
A super sexy kinda lady who doesn't realise her worth! deffo someone you can talk to hours about anything and someone u can confide in. Every time u need something she'll be there wether it's taking the piss or being a pisshead herself or if u need ur pizza cut she gots a banging pizza cutter. I would 100% recommend having one around as they're supa doopa fun, a hypeman, legend and it means u never lonely
'You need a maddie as a housemate, deffo would come in handy!'
maddies are usually very outgoing and fun. they tend to have the best humor out of all there friends. they may have adhd also. maddies are very very beautiful in there own ways and can light up a room with there smile. your very lucky to have a maddie in your life.
maddie is my bestfriend
A perfect girl with dark chocolate brown hair and amazing talent for singing. When this girl is around other people, she can't help but make them laugh with her funky personalilty. Boys would love to be with her and girls want to be her. She is perfect with guys names starting with j,a,h and k. Be careful though, if you cheat on her or piss her off, she will make you pay!
If you get her though, you're lucky!
"Oh man, that girl is so hot, she must be a Maddie!"
Guy:what’s that sound?
Another guy:that’s Maddie singing
Guy:wow is she pretty
Another guy:fuck yeah she’s the bomb
Maddie. God. Maddie is amazing. She is one of the most nicest people you’ll ever meet. I promise. She comes in the room laughing. Happy. Smiling. It’ll be 7 in the morning and she’ll still be smiling. She could completely disagree with you on something and still give you the utter most respect. Shes beautiful. And she’s perfect. All of her flaws aren’t ignored, but seen as a part of her. A good part of her. I couldn’t imagine a life without Maddie. Even if she could imagine one without me.
“who is that girl? She looks so perfect”
“That’s Maddie”
“No wonder she looks perfect! Her name is Maddie!”