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mind the step children

To pay attention to the testicles during the act of fellatio.

Did she mind the step children during the Lewinsky?

by numbnuts June 19, 2003

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Jedi mind trick

A method of persuasion that works as well on Earth between Star Wars Fans as it does in the greater Galactic Empire. SW fans will go against their better judgment to participate in the trick.

True Story:

Video Store Clerk: I see you are renting Episode I.
Renter: You will not charge us for this rental.
Video Store Clerk: I will not charge you for this rental.
Renter: And you will waive our late fee from last week.
Video Store Clerk: I will waive your late fee from last week.

Another True Story:

Officer: Do you mind telling me where the fire is?
Speeder: I'm trying to get to the opening of Episode III.
Officer: Then I can understand your hurry, but you really need to slow down.
Speeder (waving hand): You will not write me a ticket.
Officer: I will not write you a ticket.
Speeder: You will thank me for wearing my seatbelt.
Officer: Thank you for wearing your seatbelt.
Speeder: I can go about my business.
Officer: You can go about your business.
Speeder: Move along.
Officer: Move along.

by S. W. F. June 3, 2005

153๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Split Screen Mind

When people don't apply to themselves, the same standards that they judge others by. People with this affliction repeatedly fail to live up to their own publicly proclaimed standards.


"How bout' that... there she goes again, condemning the barbarous laws of that developing nation while supporting capital punishment in her own".


"Looks like she's suffering from a split screen mind".

by Addill January 20, 2010

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mind dump

A term used to describe a thought or idea which, when spoken, sounds pretty shitty (i.e. absurd, irrational).

Stevie: I think we should go buy some Super Soakers, fill them with pee, and start shooting at police officers. Wouldn't that be funny?

Jason: Why don't you go ahead and flush that mind dump.

by T Hizzle April 13, 2005

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mind cumming

when one is amazed, and thankful and says that awesome.

Mouse took a bong rip and started mind cumming

by Erick Duseldor December 29, 2007

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Vulcan Mind Meld

The phenomenon that occurs when two individuals are in online chat and type the same exact, or nearly exact, thing simultaneously. Named after Star Trek's Mr. Spock, who had the ability to read minds.

John: I can't wait to see you in San Francisco in three weeks.
Karen: I can't wait until San Francisco in a few weeks.
John: See? We did it again. It's like we read each others' minds. It's a Vulcan Mind Meld!

by Mr_Spock August 27, 2009

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Church of the Poison Mind

1. a Top 10 hit for Culture Club (featuring the notorious Boy George) during the fall of 1983.

2. any "church" or religion that dominates the member's lives: what they do, what they say and what they think. They become absolute droids or sheep. In other words, a cult.

1. Culture Club performed their hit "Church of the Poison Mind" on a TV program to welcome the new year 1984.

2. Danny has been spouting out dogma and doctrine ever since he joined that fundamentalist church. He's now in a Church of the Poison Mind.

3. The members of al-Qaida, Hamas and other so-called Islamic fundie terrorist organizations belong to a Church of the Poison Mind. So do a lot of people all over the planet. That includes here in America.

4. An Episcopalian chapel at the university where I got my college degree advertizes itself by saying that Jesus died to take away your sins, not your mind.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 27, 2009

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