Mackey Mouse is a pet owned by La Salle College. She deliberately used the linguistic bible in order to get 500 hundred million pounds. She always shows perseverance on the linguist device, stylistic device and structural device deliberately. If you did not use them, she would say NONONO and try to persuade you to read more books on the way to school and on the way home to deepen your intellectual depth. Never bring your English materials back home or else she will shout at you in Kowloon City.
Why you are deliberately reading as Mackey Mouse did?
When someone named Seamus, gets a nickname brocken down to the point where it turns into Sea Mouse.
A small, tight vagina (pussy)
"I tried to fuck last night, but it wouldn't go in!"
"She had a mouse pussy"
A small, tight vagina (pussy)
"Damn I tried to fuck last night, but it wouldn't go in!"
"She had a mouse pussy"
Elite Group of Treasure Coast LaN party members...
Roy is not in the Golden Mouse Club...
Goddamnit hun, close the bathroom door! The dogs got a used cooch mouse again.
When a persons nose hair becomes visible on the outside of the nostril it resembles tiny mouse whiskers. Most extreme cases are commonly seen on the elderly, where the whisker length can reach up to 4 inches.
n. "Check out the mouse whiskers on Grandma!"
v. "Looks like I'll be mouse whiskerin' today."