A sugar mommy but hornier and more evil,my FWB has a salt mommy.
Drugs??????? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Me : leaving pizza place that shared a door with a pool place
Her: Did you get any redneck bath salts?
Her: Did you guys get any redneck bath salts?
Me: No...
Her: Redneck Bath salts. You should look them up. They're really good.
Golden Salt, commonly used in videogames, refers to someone enjoying pissing off other players and hearing their anger. (Similar to the idea of a golden shower, but in this reference, it's about having the other player piss on you with their anger/salt)
I love getting golden salted by these noobs on Call of Duty.
Salt Deodorant is a Trademarked Brand of Victor Martin Soriano for Potassium Aluminum. Salt Deodorant is a Trademark of Victor Martin Soriano and
Martin is FIRST worldwide to use that term for his Tawas. Potassium Aluminum Salt Deodorant worldwide. Marketed under the brand Royal LV Tawas.
Salt Deodorant is a Trademark of Victor Martin Soriano and is FIRST worldwide to use that term for his Tawas. Potassium Aluminum Salt Deodorant.
When the passenger of a vehicle grabs ahold of the drivers steering wheel and yanks it causing them to crash into the ditch
I was driving my buddy home from the bar and that drunk grabbed ahold of my steering wheel and gave me the Canadian salt shaker, spun out right into the ditch”
When you get corona and your test comes back positive, but you say Dick On Salt to deny that you have corona.
-What's up?
-Ah, nothing but did you hear that Jake has Dick On salt (DOS)
-What a soy boy
A sugar free Arnold Palmer Malt Beverage made by Salt-Tea Beverage Company
"Wow! That guy is drinking a Salt Tea. He is so dreamy"