Source Code

N-Word Pass

ItΒ΄s a pass that a black person signed. It makes the owner (who is white) be allowed to say nigga.

White person: WhatΒ΄s up my nigga?
Black person: Aye man, you canΒ΄t say that word. ItΒ΄s racist.
White person: No it`s okay, i have the N-Word Pass signed by (the black person who signed this name).
Black person: Ahh okay my nigga.

by Sugar_Daddy69;) May 3, 2019

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N-word Pass

Legendary celestial power that contradicts our knowledge of the universe by giving other individuals who aren't black the ability to say the N word without fear of reprecussions from outside supernautral forces.

I use the N-word pass to gain massive power and will hopefully unravel the secrets of the universe

by The N-word Champion November 2, 2019

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hall-pass panic

1. Having to hold a massive turd or full bladder back for an entire class period because the teacher won't let you use the latrine, and the panic that results.

2. The awful hopelessness of having to use the hall pass and being restricted from doing so.

Student 1: Dude how did you do on the test?

Student 2: I don't know. I had hall-pass panic.

by TheDefiniteForce December 29, 2014

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Pump pump pass

A bonding experience between friends in which an individual and a few acquaintances take turns copulating with a female--but only for a few thrusts at a time (similar to 'puff puff pass')

Me, Chad and Trey invited Emily over for a little pump pump pass.

by ShaeWednesday December 30, 2022

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Passing the Chocolate Torch

The act of defecating into the anus of your partner after vigorous anal sex.

Dude, I totally Passed the Chocolate torch to my girlfriend last night!

Can I be excused? I don't feel so well after my girlfriend passed me the chocolate torch last night.

Passing the Chocolate Torch makes me feel like more of man!

by ironmonkey85224 April 7, 2011

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Passing the Lord's Gravy

To commit a premarital sexual act within the bible belt of the Southern States or more often than not to share bodily fluid under the pretense of "Watching a movie" with one's boyfriend/girlfriend.

The feint moans of Alexis resonated throughout the mobile home as Adrian heard his father Stephen batter the door open to his small country dwellings. "Oh shit!" said Adrian. "Ah ha! I knew you weren't just "watching a movie"!" Stephen responded to his son's blasphemous tone. "Passing the Lord's gravy before marriage is not allowed within this trailer! " Stephen finished.

by KyleSean January 11, 2016

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black stage pass

When a white (Caucasian) person is friends with a black (African-American) person, and is able to do things, go to events, etc. in that person's company that he or she would be unable to do alone or with other white people.

Being able to refer to each other as "nigga" or "cracker" is an example of getting a black stage pass. Another example would a white person being able to get into the Apollo Theater or perhaps a spot on Soul Train.

by ohmygoditsmimi April 3, 2010

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