A joke at somebody’s expense, which is darker than usual, in the sense that it includes more serious or morbid aspects of life. After a dark roast, people are usually left a bit sad.
Hey guys, today Thorvald presented a really dark roast of Håkon.
Iced Earth's 4th studio album, released on July 23, 1996. It is a concept album based on the comic book character Spawn. The last three songs make up "The Suffering" trilogy.
The Dark Saga track list:
1. Dark Saga
2. I Died for You
3. Violate
4. The Hunter
5. The Last Laugh
6. Depths of Hell
7. Vengeance is Mine
8. The Suffering Scarred
9. Slave to the Dark
10. A Question of Heaven
Feeling a sense of nostalgia towards something that disturbed you when you were younger, but now only brings back memories, Credits to Owen8710
I Got dark nostalgia from this video
fighting falcon in a nutshell. nothing more nothing less, it simply is him.
Geez, who the hell is running dark warden fashion at A. I have spikes on my orochi, and that isnt NEARLY as bad as this.
he should get some help.
When two young men tie their genitals together with dental floss and play tug of war.
“Dude my buddy and I love quilting in the dark, but I always lose.”
“Back in my college days quilting in the dark was all the rage in the dorms”
When your girl leaves you for someone bigger, nastier and better equipped than you.
My good friend Sam got Dark Soul'd and never recovered.
Grabbing a blanket to put over your head (imitating the dark knight), looking for targets while the lights are out, specifically your group of friends in any room, puts the blanket over them and fuck them vigorously until they're helpless and lets you. WARNING: screams can be very loud and may have people call the police on you.
He laughed evily and turned the lights off, he dark knighted my whole friend group and I can still hear their screams in my head as I hid underneath the bed . It was scary.