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packing heat

Carrying a weapon such as a Gun or knife

Yo dat catz packin heat forreal

by Influenced StyleZ January 31, 2003

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G Pack

A G-pack is $1,000 worth of street ready drugs. 99% of the time, G Packs are sold in tens (10's), ten dollars worth. Meaning that if you have a g-pack of heroin, then you have 100 units sold at $10 bucks a pop/per unit. Then the other remaining 1% of the time, a G pack is sole by the the twenties, which is 20 dollars worth. So you would have 50 units sold at 20 dollars. A unit is a single sack.

A G-Pack is the worlds most common re-up measurement, and it is always street-ready.

Street dealer: yo gimme a g pack

supply: ight, ten minutes

by moneyhustla June 17, 2009

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Party Pack

Noun. Any amount of marijuana that consists of more than one strain. A mixture of more than one type of ganja. A party pack can be contained in a blunt, joint, bowl, baggie, etc., as long as the weed is mixed with multiple strains.

Wow, that party pack was smokin!

"What kind of bud do you have in that baggie?"
"Man, its a party pack! I mixed OJ kush with grandady purp and then I added a sprinkle of white widow. Would you like to smoke a bowl?"

by GalacticGanja November 18, 2013

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Fanny Pack.

its like an extra pocket you where outside of your clothes.

"what does our gym teacher keep in that damn Fanny Pack.?"

"zebra cakes, vodka, and scotch. Oh and bandaids."

by je$! July 8, 2009

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Wolf Pack

a bunch of fucking loser freshmen from West Morris Mendham High School, who think that not only they own the school but also that their party's are the best, which usually involve downing a shot, and taking a hit of weed, while their parents are upstairs. they than spend the rest of the night saying how their, "so messed up!".

The Wolf Pack had a party and it sucked balls

by AABARAKS November 25, 2009

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packing shit

Constipation as a result of severe terror or panic.

in the Movies:
MAX - His hand moved! His goddamn hand twitched!
VINCENT - It's a spasm! Jesus, don't be such a girl...

Viewer - Max must be packing shit, dude.

by Kirkface September 25, 2005

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one who packs jesus in the ass

go to church u fucking jesus packer!

by satanic and loving it January 21, 2003

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