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The Peace Disturbers

A group of unhinged retards who feed off of constant turmoil.

Watch out for The Peace Disturbers they’re fucking crazy.”

by Weenerrrrrrrw September 11, 2022

grease & peace

when someone (usually a woman) starts having sex with someone but its not good to they leave before the other persons finished.

That dude from last night had no idea what he was doing, so I had to pull the grease & peace on him.

by apymbal123 September 18, 2012

But the love was always there with the peace!

AHAHAHAHAHAHA! OK! OOOK! That- You brought it back with that one! I don't entirely hate your fucking guts after that! That shit was funny! Alright? Yeah, ok, this guy has singlehandedly redeemed you. HOOOOO MAN! God, I- Shit, I might actually feel bad if your kid gets molested now! Holy shit! That isn't one of mine is it? Jesus! You guys should have just given me my retard-house, pills, and prostitutes. We really could have stopped a lot of this if you weren't so fucking stubborn. God damn!

Cultist "But the love was always there with the peace!"

Hym "BAHAHAHAHA WHAT!? WHAT IS THIS FUCKING GUY TALKING ABOUT!? HOLY BA-JESUS! HAHAHA! Man, I don't even know what to say! That's it!? It CAN'T be that easy for you to gain followers on the internet. Really guys. Retarded gibberish + Youtube default rhetoric about peace and love = immediate success! And then you sell them your bath water. And if anybody talks back, well, they don't have any bath-water profits do they? If they were smart and good they would have that sweet, sweet bath-water money. So, clearly they're dumb and bad! Fuck me, man! Imagine ME doing that! I did LITERALLY the opposite of that and I'm STILL inspiring millions! If I did what that stupid son of a bitch was doing you motherfuckers would be pledging allegiance to a picture of ME in school! Your grandkids would think I carried the sun over the horizon every morning! 'Thank you dear leader for another glorious day!' They'd say when they get out of bed. Fuck! 'Oh no! The sky is cloudy! Dear leader weeps for our plight...' I mean, you guys have to use some discernment. Please! Shit, the more I write about it the sadder I get actually! Wow that is sad! I'm sad now. I need to go to sleep. That shit actually depresses me a little bit."

by Hym Iam November 16, 2023

Global Peace Day

A historic day in which an Indian retard stopped his cringe and left us for good

God has blessed us with Global Peace Day

by 6w9 September 7, 2020

Peace out like a mutha

When a simple peace out will not do.

similar to peace out, but more emphasized.


by la-chick May 23, 2023

Peaceful Angelo

Angelo is the type of man that is sweet, kind, honest and incredibly full of peace. He loves unconditionally. He will never let his anger get the best of him, his mind is always so well collected and calm. He also never let's his emotions get the best of him in public, is he is nervous he'll play it off so well that you will automatically assume that hes a good conversationalist. But that is just his way of keeping his calm is staying calm.
He is tall, strong and incredibly intelligent. He has really good posture, he has quite the stern face but when it comes to people he truly cares about his face changes automatically. Aside form being tall and bold he's a baby that just wants to be loved, so please take care of him.
He hides his emotions so well for the sake of others and to not get judged or questioned.

He forgives others for the wrong that they have done to him.
His smile is beautiful and endearing , eyes so loving and beautiful.
We all need an Angelo in our lives and if you are
ever lucky enough to find him then don't ever question his love for for you. It is the most sweetest, honest, and most incredible- everlasting love that you will ever receive.

Well at least thats what I know because I found my Angelo and I couldn't be any more blessed.

Rude person- hey watch were you are going!

Peaceful Angelo- oh, my bad dude I'm sorry.

by ermosa_7 July 8, 2022

Peace Year?

A discord group

Send this on Peace Year?

by UrbanMandrusia December 2, 2023