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lotus eater


As in Homers The Odyssey were lotus eaters because they ate or used nothing that came from animals like modern vegans as well as going silly on lotus fruit.

by Homercules November 28, 2016

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A simpleton, a person who is always afraid to try new things. Not exclusively food related; could be an aversion to new ideas, making new friends, new places, or new experiences.
Someone that is stuck in the same way things have always been done, or a group that is consumed by dogma and tradition too deeply to expand or introduce change.
Alternative spellings: Toasteater, Toast Eater

Joe "hey Bill, do you wanna go for sushi?"
Bill "yuck, I'm not eating raw fish!"
Joe "have you ever tried some."
Bill "no, and I never will. I'll just stay home and eat a cheeseburger."

Bill is a toast-eater

by Jo6pak April 21, 2016

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someone who has a diet of lava pineapples


by RAVVVEN November 8, 2009

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Skittle Eater

A homosexual Man. As in taste the rainbow. Strictly applies to men only, no scissors.

Those guys in the movie Brokeback Mountain sure were a couple of Skittle Eaters!

by Amanda Griffith May 14, 2008

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Lotus Eater

A person who enjoys the act of rimming, eating a$$, often used as an insult.

Oh, dude, Jeff is SUCH a Lotus Eater

by Magic_UK January 14, 2022

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Shit Eater

Someone who does something unhealthy, laborious or anti-social for minimal gain.

Yeah I know this is a first world country, but I burn wood in a densely packed urban area that has reticulated gas and reverse cycle air conditioning because I'm a shit eater.

Why not be a shit eater and burn your rubbish? Rubbish sacks cost 50 cents after all.

by Captain Caveman the Pyro June 5, 2019

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bibs for shit eaters

thin paper rings used to line toilet seats in public loos for sanitation, named jokingly.

She came out of the bathroom stall with a bibs for shit eaters around her neck and a brownie stuck in her teeth.

by BabyA December 10, 2005

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