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To have an ambiguous status, especially pertaining to IM status. To be there, yet not be there.

I was about to IM her and tell her not to come but she oranged-out before I could finish the message.

by SpiderWrench March 8, 2009

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Orange Panties

When a woman chooses not to wear a tampon during the menstrual cycle and proceeds to stain her panties with blood and lets them dry to an orange color before wearing them again.

That girl was wearing orange panties.

by IdgafHarem December 27, 2011

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An orange-dick is a male that still lives in his mother's basement. Usually fat and usually a neckbeard. So named because eating Cheetos (the traditional food of these people) will stain your hands orange, and masturbating with an orange hand will give you an orange penis.

Mick: "I hate Jack! He's such an orange-dick."
John: "Yeah man he just sits in his mom's basement and plays Halo all day."

by Sneaky Foot December 5, 2014

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Munching orange

the not so annoying cousin of the hot television character annoying orange

man: "hey have you ever heard of munching orange"
female: " you mean annoying orange right,
man: ye

fun fact the longest sentence a monkey has said is "Give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you." pretty pogger

by Pain is the essence of life July 23, 2020

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Orange juice

She does everything but she absolutely will not fuck

Orange juice goes good with everything except after you brush your teeth

by Kyle McSwag December 3, 2015

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orange juice

left out cum

boy: u like drinking orange juice?

girl: hy hy

boy: u would like ts

by ms.pimpinyourshoe June 1, 2021

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Orange juice


Orange juice is cringe

by milkboy69 October 27, 2020

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