A blanket genre of music in which artist are limited by little to no income and are forced to be creative with the development of their music, image, publicity etc. as a result.
The genre of the band is Budget Wave.
'my wave' basically means 'your special', someone who you can vibe wit anytime and u drown with thoughts of them.
"You are my wave,
save me mayday,
I can only think about you, I'm a castaway."
group made up to promote the safety and enjoyability of big wave surfing through education and experience
The Big Wave Surf Association has really worked hard to keep the big wave surfers safe.
The act of raising your hand after making an aggressive and rude traffic faux-pas, like changing lanes 2 feet in front of someone because you were going to miss your offramp.
The Futhank you wave is both a thank you and yet can be issued with no sincerity whatsoever- hence the F.U. prefix.
I swear that guy I cut off was going to kill me until I gave him the futhank you wave
Blowing your nose as a large wave crashes over you, therefore eliminating snot/boogers in a discreet way. Commonly used by those too lazy to just get out of the water and find a tissue.
While I was on a date with Cameron I could tell my nose was about to drip. Rather than gross him out I quickly used the Wave Tissue!
A song made by Glass Animals that goes like
Sometimes, all I think about is you,
Late nights in the middle of June,
Heat waves been faking me out,
Can’t make you happier now.
And a lot more.
Man: have u heard of the song Heat Waves?
Man 2: nope.
Heat Waves is an amazing DreamNotFound fanfiction on AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) written by tbhyourelame, it's sequel is Helium. Heat Waves is about Dream struggling with his feelings for George and obsessing over the song "Heat Waves", by Glass Animals which gained lots of traction because of the fanfiction. The romance ends up nearly destroying things in the end but they pull through and it is beautiful in the final chapters. It's famous quote is "I burn you?" "You melt me."
DNF Shipper #1: What are you reading?
DNF Shipper #2: Heat Waves.
DNF Shipper #1: "I burn you?"
DNF Shipper #2: "You melt me."