The worst shit that favours channels to upload consistently and so is helping t bad and companies. Help PewDiePie.
Blue Shirt Kid: “Ok first of all (because of) the YouTube algorithm, they post about 20 videos a day.”
Ender Bean TV's train animations
Train animations, 3 AM videos and TikTok compilations are the definition of YouTube cringe
People like Logan and Jake Paul, Morgz , Jaystation and everyone who does 3 am videos possesses
Guy1:did u see that new jake paul vid?
Guy2:yea it was so cringe
Guy1:I know it's like he's the king of Youtube cringe
sis vs bro Francesca and Leah
sis vs bro video:last thing on my iphone x 2 years ago in 2018 when they were only 9,10,11 Francesca and Leah ahve social media and they're not even in middle school yet sothey are spoiled youtubers.
The easiest way to troll, if you are starting out; troll trust me, its very easy.
YouTube Trolls are so obnoxious!
A person who uses Youtube on a frequent basis, and has an obsession with ensuring that any good video they have ever seen will not be forgotten or unable to be found again by them in the future, so they have many playlists overflowing with hundreds if not thousands of videos that they'll never come back to, with the exception of 2 or 3.
Johnny: "Hey Tom, what was the name of that funny video with the Boston Terrier that you showed me at the beginning of the year?"
Tom: "Hold on, let me check my playlists.........Let's see, I would have filed that under either 'Dogs' or 'Funny'.... give me a minute."
*5 minutes pass.*
Johnny: "No luck in the Dogs and Funny playlists, huh?"
Tom: "Hold on, I'm still looking through the 'Funny' playlist."
Johnny: "After 5 minutes!? Jesus, how many videos are in that playlist!?"
Tom: "412."
Johnny: "Jesus Christ Tom! Have you even started the "Dog Playlist yet!?"
Tom: "No, and I'm not looking forward to it. 155 in that one."
Johnny: "Tom, I think you might be a Youtube Hoarder."
A corporation simp who is jobless and maidenless, and resides under several subreddits or Twitter tweets. They keep convincing people who use adblockers to use YT Premium or watch vanilla version of Youtube to 'support creators' (both ways would cost your privacy) when there are better alternative options to support like Patreon donations.
Like Nintendo simps, if they can't convince you, they'll become aggressive and totally destroy the conversation with insults. And always don't forget, they keep replying you back if you keep replying them.
YT Vanced user : Vanced is dead, time to switch to New Pipe
YT Simp (Youtube Simp) : Or don’t be a jerk and pay for premium or watch the ads.
YT Vanced user : It's not jerky to not want your money to go to a rich corporation with terrible privacy practices.
YT Simp : You're trying to justify taking advantage of creators and their hard effort. Gross as fck.
YT Vanced user : If they have a Patreon account and worthy to donate to support their work, I'd rather do it than enriching Google.
YT Simp : How absolutely fcking disgusting of you! You fcking gross! (suddenly lose the conversation and insult that user)
YT Vanced user : You're very funny with your white knighting of corps who don't care about you.