Zero is the precise amount of bitches I will obtain.
Zero is the kindest person that you could ever meet. they love angsty romance and action-packed animes like JJBA, and Madoka Magica. Don't forget how masculine and swag they are.
'Have you talked to Zero today? I told the moon about him, and they're my favorite Space boy.'
Zero's are usually very handsome boys ,zero is a kind hearted person with a stunning personality and a great sense of humor they usually have blonde/brown curly hair with blue/green eyes if you ever meet a zero you better hang onto them for as long as you can and never let go because they are a 1 in a million.
Zero is so cute.
zero is an amazing person that always makes me smile i love them very much
zero is perfect im every way <333
the concept of zero can be explained by the absence of a number
3-2-1... zero?
Use "zero" instead of saying "no".
there is no cookies in the jar = there is zero cookies in the jar
this girl has no boobs = this girl has zero boobs... etc.
the amount of fucks me and everyone around you give.
zero- you have zero friends, ya fokin loser (jk ily pls drink sum water)!