One of the sexiest people you'll ever meet. He's athletic and smart and some would say he's the full package. Every girl wants to be with him but he would remain loyal to his significant other no matter what. He's very funny and may be embarrassing in public but you can't help but love him.
Terrence G is the full package
The “ golden animal” this animal will go to the limit to find a mate. There long neck allows them to beat the crap out of other g-raffs. Many people love dressing up as g-raffs because it shows there strength. Everyone wants a g-raff
Why is Brooke such a g-raff?!? I wish I had the strength level of a g-raff
A cute, lovable girl, who doesn't care what she looks like. She is always beautiful no matter what and can make everybody laugh with her amazing personality. Once you meet her you will have her as your best friend forever. She will always be by your side wherever you go and will be with you for every hard ship.
There's my best friend, Maya G.
To 'Carry the G' is to be a hardcore Cheesehead or Green Bay Packers fan.
Person 1: What NFL team is your favourite?
Person 2: I carry the G. Go Pack go
j and g are brother from other mothers.
j was born 250098756 days before g
as g was born j farted and g died
david bell: i hate you
herbert: you are a J and G
david bell: what the fuck is that?!
herbert: hey chris
The Three G's AKA girls, grades, and the golgi apparatus are among some of the worst parts of humanity.
The three G's have been up my ass all week.
The "GO" rule States "if the person Ahead of you Goes,then You can Go Yourself".
Of course I noticed that the Traffic-Light had been Red a long Time before he ran it.He went,so I went.Rule-G,Yo.