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our lips touch for a minute or two, but no homo.

lyrics from the song The Bro Duet by Drew Gasparini and Brandon Ellis. or I commonly know it from Jason Gotay and George Salazar's cover.

there is an animatic with the same song using boyf riends aka Jeremy Heere and Micheal Mell mabe by mushie r. on YouTube.

otherwise known as fanon ship song for boyf it's fuckng amazing and no one can tell me otherwise.

Jeremy;Micheal your my favorite person no homo.
Micheal;no homo but I love you.

Micheal later screaming from the rooftops;"our lips touch for a minute or two, but no homo."

by dearheatherhamiltonchill January 8, 2019

Ten minutes after ten till now

What time it is, right now. It's never wrong.

What time is it?

Ten minutes after ten till now.

by Downstrike September 26, 2005

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

bouta get glass in your eyes in a minute

Something you can say to people with glasses if they are annoying you

Kid named krish: hey, your dumb, shame shame shame

You: shut up

Krish: haha shut up hahahahaha shut up

You: you "bouta get glass in your eyes in a minute"

by Yeet.com July 1, 2020

every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa

Used as a "meme", sometimes angers people but often its funny, not if you use it everytime. Anyways uhm-- we all know that, it passes everywhere. WOOOWWW I TOTALLY DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!!!

friend: every 60 seconds, a minute passes in africa.
Me: we all know that
Friend: ok
Me: every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa
Friend:shut up now

by ifyoureadthisurreallynoob August 14, 2022

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

You Won't Last Five Minutes Playing This Game

A typical pornhub ad that usually advertises a sex game. If you're horny enough to click on it, be prepared to insert your address, social security number, and credit card information. If you're a fan of watching a caveman fuck a dinosaur or watching Shrek porn, it is highly recommended that you jerk off to that ad.

Pornhub Ad: You Won't Last five Minutes Playing This Game ...

by the bravest FUckfaCE February 9, 2020

61πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa

wow, are u srs? U really searched this?
Bro, just a random meme, u really though this wouldn't be in the dictionary? Well now it is so tell your DADπŸ’€ JK U DONT HAVE ONEπŸ’€πŸ’€

md: every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa
Friend: im blocking you

by ifyoureadthisurreallynoob August 11, 2022

3πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

The Office, season 7, episode 19 minute 14:45

Should have burned this place down when I had the chance.

Random grandparent: so how was school?
Susan: The Office, season 7, episode 19 minute 14:45

by Ya got any grapes? August 7, 2021

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž