academic co-ed "fraternity" for chemistry majors or those with a high interest in chemistry.
They are not, in fact, a true fraternity; instead, it is a chemistry special interest club full of wanna be Greeks.
Girl says: "I'm a brother of Alpha Chi Sigma."
member of real Greek organization says: "First, you'd be a sister. Second, ok, so your in a large study group for chemistry."
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A problem made by cishet men for cishet men just so they have a reason to complain while being privileged.
"My life is so hard I'm a Beta male"
Alpha Beta Omega Sigma male
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1. (n)The location of Earth.
2. (n)A fictional place in Douglas Adam's series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is where Earth is located in the series
Sam: Help, my puppy is gone!
Captain: *snickers* don't you know that people from the Plural sectors shouldn't go through hyperspace?
Pilot: Where are we?
Navigator: This map says we landed in Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
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Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha -ฮฃฮฮ ("SIA")
Founded: September 29, 1990
Type: Social, Professional
Scope: National
Motto: Semper Unum et Inseparabilis
(Always One and Inseparable)
Colors: Red, Gold, Royal Blue, White, and Black
Symbols: Unicorn and Pegasus
Flower: Red Rose
Chapters/Colonies: 51 Chapters, 9 Colonies
States: New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Texas, and California
Our precious and rare Hermandad is, not only a family unit, but also a vehicle for change. We emphasize the importance of education and knowledge through various educational programs and involvement in our community. As an organization composed of strong and dedicated women, we have striven to empower all women, both within and outside the Hermandad.
SIA was created to promote the following set of goals:
--> To constantly strive towards the expansion of awareness of the Latino culture to our members and the community at large.
--> To promote sisterhood and leadership amongst ourselves.
-->To serve as models of excellence in academics and achievements among women.
Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha Incorporada
The Lovely Latin Ladies - EEEEIIIIAAAA
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Realizing that all frats are weak and soft, an elite group of individuals specializing in the consumption of alcohol, formed a unique rival faction. Far superior to typical greek social houses, AGB incorporates bad-ass armed forces influences (hence bravo in the namesake) to cement the fact they are better than their "frat-tastic" counterparts. Ironically, it is sometimes observed that the behavior of this exclusive group is frighteningly close to that of a typical fratboy. This is attributed to the fact that AGB members command a vastly superior intellect and are openly mocking these lesser mortals for their outrageous dress and inferior manhood. Members can be identified by their rugged good-looks, their overall BAMF-ness, and the occasional AGB forearm bump.
He must be in AGB, look how many hotties are hanging on him.
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The year 1975 saw the birth of what started as a vision - an idea of an organization, a sisterhood that would cater to the needs of Latinas and the universal woman. Thanks to the tremendous strides made by our seventeen founding mothers, this dream was realized, and took form as the entity. Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated, the first Latina sorority in the nation.
Lambda Theta Alpha was recognized at Kean University as the First Latina Sorority founded in the United States. This organization was the first to recognize the need for a support system, thus creating one. The desire to progress, dedication to their community, and the aspiration for the advancement of the Latina women marked the beginning of Lambda Theta Alpha. It allowed the independent Latina woman of a new era to have a sense of belonging and with that, achieve her highest potential. It would define a new role for the Latina woman, one with education, goals and vision in hopes of great success.
Colors- Burgandy and Grey
Principles- Unity,Love, Respect
Goals: Scholarly excellence, empowerment of Latinas and the universal woman, cultural and political awareness, and community activism.
Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. is the FIRST, LARGEST, and the BEST Latina based but multicultural sorority in the nation.
A Lambda Lady is often imitated NEVER duplicated !!
A Lambda Lady is three things, smart, classy and fabulous โฅ
A sisterhood based on UNITY, LOVE and RESPECT.
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1.) Many eons ago, an entity was sparced throughout the galaxy. This entity was created for the sole purpose of galactical enterprise. The constant endeavors of Strike Force 3 and their persistent longing for this entity has led them to find the Zaangar participles. Now they must travel through all of the Zaangar entities, to stop the onslaught of the Zaangars....TO BE CONTINUED
P.S. Heed and follow my teachings.
Universal Entity Harmony Project Beta .
Zaangar Alpha Beta .049.038.068 ยฉ
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