The most loving person you’ll ever find. Commonly linked to a lust for sex or other things varying past that. The kind of person to get full homo and cuddle with fucking anyone.
Man, I sure wish this Steam guy wasn’t here.
to be under the influence of alchol massively, to be extremely drunk etc.
oi chris is steaming rog, dont give him another!
when a woman gives oral sex to a man while he is sitting on the toilet pooping
Jane gave John a steaming melvin at the truck stop.
When someone blows you so hard they have semen coming out of their nose
I turned that girls face into a steaming teapot
When a woman farts on the inward thrust during anal sex.
The rusty steam engine blew me out and then back in, out and then back in.
A man who enjoys dumping on other men's chest then smearing it all over. A man by the name of J.Wilson.
Wow that man loves a Wilson Steam Roller