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In short, the opposite of logic.

It is the fundamental difference between men and women that makes understanding one another impossible. Men are born with logic, women are born with anti-logic; these are immutable and unchangeable differences. A man can not be born with anti-logic, nor can he acquire it at anytime in his life. A woman can not be born with logic, nor can she ever hope to acquire it at anytime in her life.

It is not possible for any individual to comprehend someone of the opposite logic. Many have tried and some devote their lives and professions to this impossible notion; they become very bitter and unhappy people.

Like matter and anti-matter, logic and anti-logic are contrary to the other. If the two were to merge into one, a black hole will form and destroy life on Earth. Luckily, like matter and anti-matter, logic overwhelmingly dominates anti-logic(99% to 1%), this is why humans have become as civilized as we have, else we wouldn't have made it past the first stage of our sentient evolution.

Often people are confronted with a member of the opposite logic and an argument ensues, inevitably ending the same way it started, in disagreement. But now you know why, so next time, it is the responsibility of the man to stop the woman from talking and explain to her that she is using anti-logic, a form of logic that has no merit in an argument. She won't understand of course but that is to be expected.

For an example of how logic and anti-logic is manifested between a man and a woman, you need not look any further than the first man and woman on Earth, Adam and Eve.

God gave them everything anyone could ever want; perfection. However there was an apple tree that God emphasized to Adam and Eve not to eat from, for it will surely screw everything up. Adam, (a person of logic), understands God perfectly ("Don't eat bad apple from tree = Good"..."Eat bad apple from tree = Bad") Eve however, (a person of anti-logic) had her own interpretation ("Don't eat bad apple from tree = Bad"..."Eat bad apple from tree = Good")

So Eve joyously skipped and sang her way to the tree, plucked and apple, and took a bite. And that's where man began to need many other new words such as: anger, stress, resent, depression, hopelessness, and many many more.

REMEMBER - It is futile for any man to understand a woman, and futile for any woman to make sense.

by Aaron1204 June 19, 2010

73๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Anti-Semite" is the English version of a Victorian era German phrase used in polite company in place of "Juden haas" or "Jew hatred.

"Anti-Semite" does not mean "one who is opposed to all speakers of Semitic languages. That is a recent construct, crafted for propaganda purposes.

by Rfmoshe April 22, 2011

7160๐Ÿ‘ 7861๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anti Brony

An Anti Brony is a person who hates bronies. To rebut that they're "...who hate the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic..", as a brony stated, the definition is clearly "Anti Brony", not "Anti MLP".

There are many, but overall only one reason why bronies are hated; Their huge pride and endless bragging.

Anti bronies hate bronies because of their small sense of empathy. They can never agree with anything that an Anti Brony says, even if it's true.

Another, more common reason would be the massive load MLP:FiM related stuff in the internet, and how bronies have an obsession to shove it into people's faces.

(Example: Here's a real, translated comment sent by a brony on Pelaajalehti.com.
"There's a typo in the news: It's written BRONY not broyny or at least my shirt at the moment says Brony.. "
(Rational stuff about the article)

"And finally: Haters gonna hate.

PS. You stole my desktop wallpaper for the news pic...")

Even if you're watching a Garry's mod video, a Team Fortress 2 gameplay/music video, it's not unusual for a pony to pop up on the screen, without a warning.
So what's the big deal? See the "Example" section.

Bronies also like to put the fault of their own community's disadvantages on others, or solve it by separating any people giving them a bad name, by giving them nicknames, such as "cloppers", or simply by blaming it on furries.

I'm gonna talk personally now. I am a furry, and I would NEVER add a furry into any video of mine.

Anti Brony states:
"Seeing a pony is like seeing an arrow to the knee joke."

Maybe you'll understand now. If not, try checking the links to other definitions.

by Talvy August 30, 2012

176๐Ÿ‘ 172๐Ÿ‘Ž



Anti-Vaxx Karen: I Got My IQ Tested Today

Her Friend: What Is It
Anti-Vaxx Karen: They Say Its -3,000, But I Know That's A Lie Because Professionals Said That's What My IQ Is, So It Must Be A Lie

by LeadedCashew316 June 27, 2019

30๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who dislikes the furry community. Often bullying members of the community and spreading hurtful pedophile/zoophile rumors, which have been known to heavily damage the communities reputation.

Fact No.1:
The anti-furry community originated from a joke on the internet posted inbetween

2011-2012, someone once came across the joke and turned it into a real movement.

Fact No.2:
The anti-furry community has a large number of members often associated with racism, anti-LGBTQ.

Fact No.3:
A strangely large number of anti-furries on the social media "discord" have profiles resembling german WWII soldiers, Hitler, Stalin, KKK members, or have flags of Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and some profiles consist of dank memes.

(Discord server)
1: "the server is missing, what happened?"
2: "it got nuked, likely by a raid "
1: "who raided us?"
2: "most likely an anti-furry server or meme server"

by Alaywar December 5, 2022

19๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man or woman, of any color, sexuality, religion, or background, who is morally opposed to senseless hate. A person who believes strongly that all people are equal, and is willing to stand up for that belief.

Hey, are you an anti-racist? No? Uh-oh, I guess I better punch your nose!

by Chris December 7, 2003

1277๐Ÿ‘ 4052๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anti Furry

The Greatest Communist-like fucking movement ever

Person Guy: Woa look at that anti furry.
Person Guy 2: Woa. what a badass

by Caesar Zeppeli November 2, 2020

147๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž