A side chosen by an individual stating that they prefer a nice ass on a female over nice tits.
Do u like tits or ass?
Bro, I'm team ass all the way!
When a man has various women that he can hook up with
especially used when the man has a girlfriend or is traveling to a new city where old friends live
Man, Fred has some serious ass options during his week long trip to New York.
when you shove basketballs into your asshole to shit them out again on snapchat.
Sean: look at this girl doing basket ass
Xavier: Bro WTf is wrong with you?
when one has sex with an ass titty-fuck stlyle
yo bro, she wouldnt let me put it in her pooper so i ended up just hawkin an ass
A stern, unyielding, unwavering, taxing, unabating, arduous, demanding person.
Dick had an unearned reputation for being an Iron Ass, but he was actually a draft dodger, and stooge for the military industrial complex.
When one is inebriated to the point where they lose control of their bowels and defecate themselves.
"Dude you are such a crapped ass."
1. To scoot ones ass across a surface.
2. The action of a dog scooting its derrier across the floor, potentially leaving a foul smell and sometimes a trace of god only knows.
3. A device used to clean your big Aunt Pearl.
4. An excessively hairy ass that could be re-named Bob Marley
1,2. That dog just ass-mopped my carpet!
3. Go and ass-mop your Aunt Pearl, Jimmy!
4. SUSIE: "So how was last night with that frat hottie?"
DAISY SUE: "Well, I woke up, turned my head and saw the biggest ass-mop of my life!"
SUSIE: "You shoulda busted out those scissors Daisy Sue!"