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cotch back

to hang out and take it easy

do you ladies wanna come back to my house and cotch back?

by Ryan December 8, 2003

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back lit

A lighting effect, created by illuminating an opaque object from the rear, causing a glow around the edges.

Most Lord & Taylor signs are back lit.

by Lexicon Master November 14, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

back to front

The way a chick wipes her tush after taking a dump.

Karen: "My gyna's nasty. Must be I'm wiping back to front".

by Mr.Tissue February 2, 2018

23๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

sexy back

(to bring) Sexy Back.

A phrase used to describe something as really hot/cool/now/fly/happening/trendy, or something which has become cool due to one bring sexy back to it.

Man did you heard 'Promiscuous Girl'? Nelly Furtado has brought sexy back!!!

Damn I own at Miss. Pacman. I'm bringing sexy back to the arcade!

You seen the new Aston DB9. That car is bringing sexy back!

by SkaPete October 1, 2006

199๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

back tat

A tattoo, primarily done by females, on the backside usually in the small of the back.

Did you see that back tat she was sporting? It looked like some kind of doodle.

by Elmer Fudd October 28, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

back row

describes any person, place, thing, or act that is thought to be perverted, nasty, sexual, etc., etc.

phrase was first coined when dirty acts were performed in the back row

omg, that movie was soooo back row!

omg, that girl is soooo back row!

by Chrisse June 27, 2008

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to part take in an inherently homosexual act, or to display homosexual tendencies or behaviors with a person of the same sex.

applies mostly to macho, heterosexual males and excludes intentional, playful displays of homosexual behavior; should be used in sentences in second and/or third person (you and he/she/it, respectively); and is best when used in a narrative or observation.

at last night's party, jeff and mark were definitely bro-backing, as they slow danced together on the patio.


dude, we totally saw you bro-backing with that guy at the bar last night.

by mingkai April 19, 2008

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