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Black Beauty

A very large, horselike member, with impressive girth, enormous length and unbelievable stamina. Typically known for its forceful ejaculation and long strokes (or strides). Named for its similarity to the male horse genitalia and its dark color.

"Charles doesn't use Black Beauty to plow fields, but rather your mom, sister, wife and daughter."

by Mr B. Beauty February 22, 2004

35πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

big and beautiful

A thick ans sexy gir lthat always has opinions about everyone and doesnt think about how people see her with her big thighs ~('. ' )~

"i love me a girl thats big and beautiful "

by BabyGirl Dez February 22, 2018

8πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Your beautiful

a korean drama that recently came out in 2009. the story line is when a girl finds out that she must pretend to be her rock star twin brother in order to find her mother. While in the process of staying with the band her brother is with, all 3 guys from the band fall in love with her.

i stayed up watching Your beautiful for 17 hours because i've become addicted to the movie.

by da beautiful one September 6, 2010

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Deadly Beauty

An all around awesome individual that is, in all respects completely and entirely FUN to party with and is likely to be seen in a number of questionable photographs the following day. A step above "the beauty".

Did you see John wearing that CHIPS costume last night while dancing on top of the bar?...He's a deadly beauty.

by Hoeght May 15, 2007

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Beautiful eyes

The act of tickling your partner’s anus with your eyelashes.

Girl: I love it when you do the beautiful eyes to me with your long luscious eyelashes, it’s so orgasmic.
Dude: I’m fine with it as long as you don’t yell JAKARTA while I do it.

by Jonnyhone July 31, 2019

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big beauty

A rather large and overweight woman who thinks their beautiful but actually they are a 3 out of 10. Big Beauty's are very insecure and they always think people are talking about them.

Tim: Hey Brad are you taking Kaitlyn to the dance on Saturday. Brad: Hell no dude she's a Big Beauty.

by Hey man it's STIMPY December 13, 2020

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paranormally beautiful

to be beautiful beyond what can be imagined. that is beyond natural.

That woman is so paranormally beautiful.

by Deep blue 2012 September 2, 2009

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