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Bag of Chips

That one guy at the party (sometimes drunk) who acts way too cool for his own good. He usually has huge muscles, to compensate for his small penis, and wears obscenely tight shirts to show them off. He has a deep voice and occasionally joins a conversation to try and sound deep, but fails, making himself sound like an idiot. People like to make fun of him behind his back, often using the "far out" gesture made by turning your hand into a telephone by closing you fist and extending only the pinky finger and thumb and rotating at the wrist, to represent him so as not to let the Bag of Chips know you are talking about them.

Jennifer: Do you see that guy at the chip bowl?

Sarah: Yeah. Did he try talking to you about the rain forest too?

Jennifer: Yeah. Then he told me how often he works out.... Total Bag of Chips... *hand gesture*

by Hate's football parties August 23, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

banana chips

Dried up, crusty-stale bananas. Not being fresh, these usually taste like shit. They are also full of preservatives, and dyes to make them yellow.

The only way that authorities were able to catch the killer, was by analyzing the banana chips that were left in bite-marks on the victim's vagina.

by theSTFUmonster January 26, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot chip

To spit (or cum) into the ass of a girl, and dip your cock in and out.

Guy 1: "Yo what'd you do with Anna last night?"

Guy 2: "She was giving me shit, so I gave her a hot chip and told her not to fart."

by chipperman43 March 20, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


That last nacho chip you find at the bottom of the pile with loads of everything on it.

"Man! That's one badass mother-chip. You gonna eat all that?"

by Cyrus Bonez May 23, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ketchup Chips

When a girl doesn't shower for several days after her period, and the blood dries into chip-like scabs.

John: Man, that girl last night was insatiable, but she was so nasty. She had ketchup chips all over.

by notplo July 18, 2007

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banana chip

a cat's asshole

i like cats, but why are they always trying to rub their banana chip all up in my face?

by serial_kitten April 9, 2011

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strawberry chip

A nice name for a large zit found on the body

"Can you pop this strawberry chip for me?"
" I have a large strawberry chip on my left butt cheek"

by HSMF's April 2, 2008

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