Your co-worker who is somehow constantly trying to prove themselves while at the same time somehow attempting to do as little work possible.
That bitch Staci has such an intern complex.
guy 1: that guy is a total loser nobody likes him
guy 2: yea nobody likes him because he has a willy lowman complex
The purposeful complication of a process, policy, or offer in order to substantially reduce clarity, usually in hope that consumers of such will overlook a portion to their detriment.
The lawyers who drafted my latest auto insurance policy found a way to fill it with 127 pages of legalese. This is definitely artificial complexity, as it could've easily been conveyed in 10 pages.
A much more extreme version of the devastatingly debilitating prototypical Napoleon complex, the absolutely crippling Napoleon complex deluxe afflicts only the most terminally insecure sissy manlet boys (dwarfed males shorter than 5ft10) and obviously all turbo-manlets (exceptionally stunted males from 4ft11 to 5ft4). Now not only infected with the lifelong curse of manletism and the naturally resulting Napoleon complex but additionally with a gnawing and ever-present Napoleon complex deluxe, the completely deranged little manlet henceforth stoops so low as to take his inferiority complex-induced manlet cope and manlet rage to new heights of insanity. Driven to madness by manletism and the ravages of his shortsightedness, small-mindedness and his eternal inability to be the bigger man, the Napoleon complex deluxe suffering misanthropic manlet can often be detected as he furiously saws down outdoor basketball hoops under the cover of darkness (and made almost indiscernible by his microscopic size), tearfully howls at the moon beneath underpass clearance signs in the middle of the night and as he chugs down barrels of boost oil brake fluid in the manlet pit behind your local service station in a childishly futile attempt at finally triggering a growth spurt. An infinitesimal Napoleon complex deluxe infected turbo-manlet may be hiding under one of your fingernails at this very moment!
Amelia: Lol, why is Tom "Stop calling me a midget!" Cruise crying his eyes out while balancing on a golf ball and juggling burning matches over there? Layla: It must be his time of the month - clearly his Napoleon complex deluxe is acting up again. Amelia: Manlets, when will they learn?
A theorized inferiority complex normally attributed to people who are overweight. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, such as lying, spreading rumors, manipulating or even harming others who may stand in their way, and carries the implication that such behavior is compensatory for the subject's physical or social shortcomings. A reverse horizontal napoleon complex has many of the same characteristics of a normal napoleon complex, with the difference being an overabundance of body mass as opposed to a short stature. This complex is sometimes synonymous with roid-rage, but can also apply to people with an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation where the subjects BMI is over 30.
That biker has reverse horizontal napoleon complex, he thinks he is big and bad because he weighs 300 pounds.
to show unreasonable levels of spite after being deceived
arbys cashier: you can 2 sandwiches for 5 dollars.
dfens: okay ill buy 1 sandwich
arbys cashier: 2 sandwiches
dfens: I want one damn sandwich you think I should just throw the other one away
arbys cashier: its just a sandwich its cheaper
dfens: just give me one damn sandwich. charge me for 2. I don't want two damn sandwiches
arbys cashier: we can't do that sir.
arbys cashier: so you have a dfens complex sir
dfens: damn right I do.
When someone is prone to asking very personal questions
"Bro, did you get that girl last night"
"No, because she seemed offended when I asked her about her clit"
"Yeah, you always did have that question complex"