When you're in another country and could be an otherwise boring piece of shit but people find you interesting and great, pretty much just because you're foreign.
"He seemed like a pretty cool guy"
"Nah it was just the foreign effect, he's slow as bread"
When someone's feelings don't count because they internalize them
I'm sorry Ryan, I'm sorry Sarah, I'm sorry Mickey......and Noah (The Noah Effect in action during an apology)
When a song is bad but you hear it enough times that it starts to grow on you. named after Chris Jerichos AEW entrance song
this shitty song hit me with the Judas Effect now i cant stop listening to it
The Ellis Effect is a theoretical hypothesis involving the ability of men named Ellis. The effect describes thier uncanny ability to cause others to drink excessive amounts of alcohol. They are essentially drinking catalysts. Be very careful when drinking around an Ellis. We do not have enough data to fully understand the extent of their charisma on others.
"We tried to collect observational data on The Ellis Effect, unfortunately he drank all the data."
Friend 1: "what happened to you last night?"
Friend 2: "I got way too plastered because I got caught in The Ellis Effect."
Long: An effect in which two substances or actions used in combination produce a total effect the same as the sum of the individual effects.
Short: 2 actions combine to make one big one
Gary: "Yo, wanna combine our soda together to make an additive effect?"
Charlie: "Sure! You put your Sprite first and then I will do mine"
Gary: "We have made such a large sprite"
Charlie: "Indeed"
When an irrelevant person gains immediate popularity from dating someone with higher social status
Eg. Most footballers' partners have had the L effect
When someone don't care about the land.
he or she shows no respect for the land.
someone who litters on a average.
someone who don't care what happens to the land.
Chris has a bad case of the landdella effect.