a really nice and kind person who always has a kind thing to say , she maybe has very bad taste in men or women but they have the nicest heart
ghosting..x is a really kind person
When someone texts you back with excitement but then immediately ghosts you forever with no provocation in order to boost their ego
Person 1: Hi
Person 2: Hey!
Person 1: So how is Quebec?
...................................Dialogue Ended...
Person 1 thoughts: Damn I got posh ghosted
When someone takes money to split cocaine and then never comes back to share
'Buddy took $50 from me and lo and behold motherfucka became the coke ghost and never came back'
a ghost friend is an acquaintance that act like friends with, but they don't state that they're your friend out loud. maybe someone you know is nice to you and always greets you (maybe they're just friendly/nice, but you can still consider them as a ghost friend)
although others may think you have a literal friend that's a ghost, you can explain the other definition for it.
i bumped into my ghost friend today, it was so funny yet embarrassing, lol
in math, my ghost friend and i laughed so hard, i love them
The metaphorical dick sucking of a friend/colleague with a high regard of praise to others while the aforementioned friend/colleague is not around.
Cody was ghost-blowing you yesterday for your skill with the ladies.
Deleting your post on social media not long after you posted it.
"Jenny posted a rant about you on her wall earlier but then deleted it, fucking ghost poster.."
When you pour your tea from the teapot after it has steeped & it’s only hot water.
Usually because you didn’t actually put a teabag in but thought you had. Sometimes happens when your kid steals the teabag for their tea thinking it’s funny.
“Man, it’s way too early for this. My toasted English muffin was about to pop up & I go to pour my tea from the teapot & it was nothing but a ghost tea.”
You thought it was there but it’s not, just like a ghost. Only hot water.