A guy who follows his dick rather than his heart.
He only talks to her because she's thick. What a horn dog.
A man or woman who check out people who aren't attractive. Likes checking out small boobs and flat asses.
Sam: Oh my god look at Julia's ass
Andrew: Yo that chick ain't even hot.
Sam: She has an ass
Andrew: No she doesn't
John: She doesn't, Sam.
Andrew: Dude you're such a horn dog.
When someone is consistently asking for nude and or inappropriate pictures usually on Snapchat. Most commonly boys aged 13-18 will be called a horn dog because of there constant demand for nude pictures
He is a horn dog, he asked me for nudes
A horn dog is someone who has colored hair(typically purple) and is always horny. Although, they will oftenly share with people they are a horn dog for.
"Have you seen how much of a horn dog they are?"
When you desperately want someone to share normal life experiences with, like hugging, sitting on sofa watching TV together, doing laundry, etc but not sexual activities.
I'm so hornely. I just want someone to hug, talk to and hold hands with.
Someone who listens to music but doesn’t understand the language/doesn’t know what the singer(s) is saying.
They also believe they can instantly learn a language just by listening to a single song.
Boy- yo what’s up with Cassandra??
Girl- I don’t know? Ever since she started listening to BTS she thinks she’s Korean or something. She doesn’t even know what they’re saying!
Boy- Wow so she’s a Music Horn?
Girl- I guess so!