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Bat's Day

Also known as 'Goth Day', Bat's Day is the last saturday in August where goth kids from all over the U.S and Europe flock to Disneyland for a day of princess boo-ing, high heels, and black lipstick. While it's not officialy reconized by the park itself, the park staff is well aware of its existance.

Actress Playing Snow White: "I'm gonna trade shifts with the new girl. I don't want to be around on Bat's Day, and the she wont know about it yet."
Cinderella: Ahh! That goth guy just felt me up!

Sleeping Beauty: Duh, what'd you expect? It's Bat's Day!

by Lani<33 January 27, 2006

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Cheat Day

The one day of the week when people dieting can eat whatever they please

Sara : Oh Jake you cock is so strong! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!
Jake : Yeah and your pussy is so soft! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!
Kiersten : Hey Jake I brought us some goodies since it's Cheat Day! OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!
Jake : You said Sunday was Cheat Day so I thought we could fuck other people!
Kiersten : You DUMBASS we can cheat on our diet not each other GOD DAMNT!
Sara : Oh Jake I'm CUMMING I'm CUMMING!
Jake : Ohhh! It feels so good in there!
Jake : But it's Cheat Day!
Kiersten : That's It today is BEAT DAY cause I'm gonna beat the shit out of you two!

by SlopNChop March 11, 2018

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Valentine's Day

A commercialized holiday that is designed to make you and your "significant other" fall in love even more. Or, gives you the opportunity to tell your "crush" that you love them and what not. But really just ends up making 90% of the population depressed and lonely. Also causing a lot of girls to get typical gifts with no originality whatsoever because they advertise every girl wanting a rose and a box of chocolates.

Him: "Here honey I bought you a dozen roses"
Her: "Oh, how original, thanks honey" in a complete sarcastic tone while thinking, wow another dozen rozes i can display for 2 days then throw away.

by Amer February 14, 2005

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Newman's Day

(1) Holiday celebrated every April 24th, involving the drinking of at least 24 beers. Any scheduled activity (e.g. work, classes, baptisms) must still be attended.

(2) An act of stupidity involing significant drinking, similar to the "yoke challenge".

"Did you see Chauncey? He just finished Newman's Day and looks f*cked up!"

"We were so bored we decided to pull a Newman's Day last night."

by Tastey Taste April 7, 2004

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Labor Day

Labor Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September (September 5 in 2011) that celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers. (Wiki)

Guy1: "WTF is Labor Day anyways?"
Guy2: "It's meant to celebrate the economic and social something or other of workers."

by opsoyo September 6, 2011

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Good Day

A day that does not require the use of an AK-47

I didnโ€™t even have to use my AK, I gotta say it was a good day

by papapattyp June 17, 2018

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Happy Days

A 70's-era American TV series set in the 1950's, and starring, among others, Henry Winkler and Ron Howard. It was a very wholesome, family-oriented show, and was very loved for it's feel-good quality, and overall innocence, and remains quite popular to this day.

"Last night, "Happy Days" was on for 3 hours, and it was fun to watch."

by Katey777 July 24, 2009

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