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Something a Jellybean fan can’t touch

Normal person: go touch grass

Jellybean fan: No, Jellybean is about to upload a new YouTube short!

by JellybeanHater69 July 7, 2022


British slang for snitch. Derogatory.

You heard about Drizza? She’s a grass.”

by Planetjdizzle October 6, 2019


something you, nor I, have touched

person 1: lets go touch some grass!
person 2: what's grass
person 1: I don't know

by average grass enjoyer August 22, 2024


Something you’ve never touched before

You need to touch grass

by KanyeEast88 March 24, 2022


Green stuff that growssss on hyouiyujgfdsadfghbjkhbcgfdxcgbhj

Sassy grassy

by skapppy January 27, 2021


Grass is a type of plant with narrow leaves growing from the base. Their appearance as a common plant was in the mid-Cretaceous period. There are 12,000 species now. Grass typically grows from soil or dirt. When you look out the window like a Genshin player (only real g's actually go outside,) you likely find green plants stemming out of dirt, and a lot of it. This is grass. Grass needs to be cut every once in a while to make sure it doesn't overgrow.

Timmy went outside to touch some grass.

by I hate fortnite kids November 26, 2024


touch it now.

touch grass dumb-bum

by grass_toucher506 February 7, 2024