F.I.N.E. - Fucked.Insecure.Numb.Emotional.
bf: How are you?
gf: fine. u?
bf: *doesn't respond*
gf: *gets sad* hears a knock on the door 5min later*
bf: *has chocolate, a teddy bear and flowers* Fine?
gf: *smiles*
Da_finest_carter, which is me
I'm dafinestcarter and that what fine means
A word people use when they're clearly NOT okay. They probably don't feel like talking to you, because they're in a mood.
The best you can do is leave them alone, until they feel like talking to you.
"Hey are.. um are you okay?"
"I'm fine..."
Fine means somebody is frfr good looking. They are the perfect mix of cute and hot.
It really means you’re not fine but you don’t know why you are sad and you don’t want to talk about it
Person:How are you today
You:Oh I’m “fine” *puts on fake smile*