The highest LeveL known to anyone.
I just reached quentin1914 LeveL.
Abbreviated as PLA, the acting is so bad, that it can be the plot of a porno.
Mostly seen as a first person POV cameraman, another person speaks to the camera as if talking to you. They can be talking an a flirty, aggressive, or happy way. The dialogue is very out of place and would unlikely be said in real life scenario.
*insert very un-natural scence of two people people talking*
What the hell is this porn level acting?
A high quality charismatic, caring, strong, masculine man: earning 6 figures whilst having no children m.
Girl I’m sick of these bronze men and all they baby momma drama, I needs me a diamond level man!
Someone who can easily handle reaper gumballs.
Su is not a level 10 spice master
A GARBAGE TRUCK 4213 comes along and 'I say good morning , they return the protocol and I said " I like your number" and break into downer frowns.
I kept looking underneath and saw these nice legs and SEXY FEET and
to an underage boy you have SEXY SNEAKERS and nice socks and he thanked me which he said I asked , ARE YOU waiting for the bus as it comes he said, 8:05 AM , and the first one comes along and says this is MOUNTAIN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL only and drives off.
The second MOUNTAIN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL BUS comes along and I ask where , and I got on as I almost ride it as I acknowledged my FARE as I got on but got off and observed the number on the bus 4214.
A bus comes along going to MOUNTAIN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL and says this is primarily a HIGH SCHOOL BUS and when I get off I look at the BUS 4214.
I know how you think ANAL ALAN as you would love to get a MOUNTING VIEW of the underage BOYS AND GIRLS But truthfully being ON THE LEVEL as a FEMALE we IDentify you and JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE soon being a BITCH FAG is in the cards but I love to be a TEACHER.
to chill out, or relax
it’ll be fine just level a teaspoon