A mutated mushroom is what an ugly dick looks like, the head is the mushroom and the shaft is the root
“Daniel’s dick looks like a mutated mushroom!!”
Someone who is in the dark about plans. Because, mushrooms grow in the dark
I’m a mushroom, Gary said as he shrugged his shoulders
A disease that causes you to hate fries, hate video games mods, and start doxing people over Minecraft servers. It can not be cured.
Person 1: What do you think about fries?
Person 2: FUCK FRIES
Person 1: oh no you have Very Mushroom Disease don't you?
A girl named michelle who looks like a Poison Mushroom
When Michelle puts on Shawna's striped hat, Michelle turns into a poison mushroom
Bukkake mushroom is when you and your friends ejaculate on a magic mushroom and then consume it.
'Mom! Me and my mates are going out to have some bukkake mushrooms, are you coming?'
The culmination of every achievement of mankind, condensed into a 8 ounce dish.
dang bro, this Mushroom Cheeseburger is pretty good