This is used when going at high speeds when driving or racing.
Wow Where going really "NIG NIG" right now
how you say good night to someone during a conflict
when you do not want to say good night becuz of the conflict
I said nig nig to my mom last night
you know i just got done nigging around in the wrestling room with luke
Nigging = when u constantly keep acting like a nigger
For example : Jamal was keep nigging in the classroom like it was his hood
Jamal : Ay yo ! Why u keep fucking with me gang , ay cuh give me your wallet cuh!
verb when someone is acting like a nigga, or being a pussy.
Bro quit nigging around! It’s just a rollercoaster ride!
I’m sick of him nigging around the house! He is so hyperactive!
Black version of SpongeBob from the popular tv series SpongeBob SquarePants
Nigward: Hey nig bob stop shooting jellyfish
Nig Bob : These jelly fish need to get out my hood