The queen of the Ugandan knuckles, one of the quests that they undertake to find the wei. The requirements are that you have to be a believer, and often it is mandatory to be a female.
Knuckles #1 I have found our queen!
Knuckles #2 DA QUEEN!
The rest of the tribe *loud appreciative clucking noises*
The N$DA is the National $wag Deficit Administration. The department is tasked with overseeing the maintenance of America’s $wag levels. The agency is currently under the supervision of Director (REDACTED) and Co-Director (REDACTED) The agency is only to be active during a $wag Deficit of 15% or more. Other than that, the agency is to be disbanded and re-assembled as needed.
Boy, oh, boy, the N$DA sure is doing a great job of restoring our nation to it’s former glory!
The N$DA is the government agency tasked with handling the National Swag Deficit. The term N$DA stands for “National Swag Deficit Administration,” The aim of the group is to fix the lack of swag the the U.S. is currently experiencing. The head of the agency is currently Director (REDACTED). The agency is to be disbanded once the current crisis has been handled and reformed if a similar crisis should ever arise in the future.
Man, the N$DA sure is doing a swell job at fixing our country!
a meme that’s funny and unfunny at the same time
Q: who painted the Mona Lisa?
The Mona Lisa... hm... yeah yeah yeah the Mona Lisa...
A: da vinky?
Slang for "That's nasty"
"Look whay shes wearing mija das nasty!"
Dette utropet er noe som blir sagt på slutten av en setning, eller som en setning i seg selv. Vanligvis brukt etter noen sier noe du ikke bryr deg om eller orker å svare på. Uttalen avhenger av personen som snakker, men originalt skal uttrykket uttales på kebab-norsk, da han som først sa det er en pakkis ved navn Sir Ben.
Kompis 1: Jeg har sår under balla
Kompis 2: Ferdig da
a DAS program stands for Diversion Acute Stabilization program
she resides in a DAS program