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When you want to sound busy, but aren't really that busy

I'm ticking-over at work

by Marleyfun April 9, 2014

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The best euphamism ever; to be really really drunk.

Mike passes out on the floor after his umpteenth beer. He had been over-served.

by idiotsavant February 7, 2009

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Drunk over

The condition when a person is hung over from a night drinking and STILL a little drunk.

I woke up this morning drunk over from last night's party.

by cenoz June 10, 2009

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the sleep over

when you stay the night at a girls house you cum in her hand and then tickle her nose with a feather until she slams it in her face. compliments of brandon wigginton and justin mcfarland

when i stayed at your girls house i used the sleep over on her.

by strey & dade February 23, 2009

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sleep over

When a couple is so exhausted after sex, and the women is on top and they both fall asleep while he's still inside her.

Me an me girl was so tired after sex last night that we ended up doing a sleep over.

by sleep over August 6, 2014

17๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


He asks her to sit down anywhere she wants. She sits down on a couch and looks around, nobody is home.
Him: Nobody is home.. Yu, do you want some water? My parents went out for camping. They will be back in 2 days. What movie do you want to watch?
Her: Hey Jin, how's about Prison Break?
Him: That's a TV show.. not a movie. It's too long, and I am not in mood of thinking right now.
Her: I thought you like thinking.
Him: But not today.. not right now.
Her: Okay.. Then how's about The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh?
Him: No..
Her: Scooby-Doo?

Him: No.... (Silent moment. Looking at each others) Let me just decide. Let's watch Captain Underpants.
Her: *Busted out laughing* Oh Jin.. I thought you could come up with something else better. Lol
Jin comes back with 2 bottles of water, sits down right next to her. They had never been this close before.. They enjoy watching movies, movie after movie, forget all the time in the world.

Her: Hey Jin, I didn't realize it's getting so late.
Him: You can stay if you want.
Her: No, it's okay. I think I can make it home.
Him: I don't want you to drive home late at night like this. Aren't you tired?
Her: I am alright..
Him: Can you please just stay..?
Her: Okay.. where do I sleep?
Him: You can sleep in my room.

Her: Where do you sleep?
Him: In my room...


*A throw pillow is heading toward Jin's direction*

Yu ends up having a sleep-over on the couch...
by Wanderlust ยฎ January 01, 2022

by Wanderlustยฎ April 19, 2023

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

rolled over

Basically, it's the equivilant of a hangover for people who do ecstasy. When someone's rolled over, they're generally extremely tired, a bit irritable, and just plain out of it. They're usually etarded as well. They could also be in some physical discomfort, such as having a headache, being nauseous, and back pain.

1) Dude, I'm so rolled over today.
2) You're definately rolled over.

by Erka G October 16, 2005

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