Male semen, produced by gay white cowboys.
Dude you're pulling so hard you're gonna make me shed some cowboy tears.
Slang for shots of alcohol.
The shot-tear correlation lying in the fact a real Texan loves their fair share of alcohol, and shots comparably low amount.
Derek: Blood, sweat, and tears, it’s what makes a man.
Ren:Real man’s comprised of blood, sweat, and Texan tears.
Tears from a boy named Rob for not being good at anything
Damn that guys crying Robs tears he must really suck at life
You and and your three buddies flip a stool over snd when the music stops everyone must be penetrated by a stool leg. Last one to sit loses
Patrick wins everytime at musical tears
another one of the endless tersm for a womans period
I was going to go over to Pam's to get laid, but she's crying the crimson tear
Bidet tears: when someone's tears are so pathetic you want to wipe your ass with them.
I wish my ex would stop trying to guilt me into a mercy fuck with his bidet tears.
When you are stricken by so much grief that your body physically cant produce any tears
Man: Its a shame my grandmother died, i was so sad I let out a Dry Tear