Hym "Turbo Cancer!? Damn! Did uh... Did you want me to take a look at the cancer thing or no? Cuz I'm just going to murder you all with maximum overdrive-style sentient house appliances... Because... It seems like it would be a waste of my time. It might salt the wound a little bit more than just killing you with the A.I. that I said I would create AND DID... You know? Cause you'll be all like 'Oh no! He cured my cancer but now my toaster is eating me alive! Argh! Nooooooooooo! Not the laptop! The laptop is crushing my babies skull!' And all me all... "Hahahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHA! AHA! AHAAAA.... This is hilarious. I'm, you know, I'm really enjoying this. Murdering everyone was the right call..." and your iPhone is going to be like 'Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.' It's gonna be cool man. It'll be cool for everyone who matters."
A cake the look good on the outside but will most likly kill you after the fisrt bite. the mane ingrediants are sewage water and radioactive waste and whatever you can find in the trash for example tampons, rotten fruit, dead rodents and and used condoms
Fag 1:Dude try this cancer cake
Fag 2: NO
The cancer King is a guy that, really, *really* likes cancers.
Literally his wife is one, his kids are, his favorite students. He's kind of a nerd but actually quite nice and fun.
Student A: "Eyy what's your Zodiac sign btw?"
Student B: "Oh I'm a cancer, why?"
Student A: "Really? Omg didn't you just have a class with the cancer King?"
Student B:"The what?"
Student A: "The cancer King yk, he really likes cancers. Didn't you say you thought you were his favorite student?"
Student B: "... I did think that.. Isn't his wife also a cancer?"
What King Charles has
We want to wish the king a good recovery from his corona cancer.
The soundtrack of changed,
for the love of God please don't listen to it
if you're listening to cancer music you are going to get cancer
Noun- a chowder made of the following ingredients-
2 cups chlamydia sacks
1 fluid oz. whale semen
1/2 pack Marlboro cigarettes
3 fetuses, chopped
4 raw eggs
A dash of diarrhea
4 doses of crab wax
2 tbsp Jew tears
Season to taste
Bring to a simmer and enjoy! Serves 4 people
I went to this awesome café a week ago and they had cancer soup that is to die for!!1
When a new, unsubstantiated claim of diagnosed metastases are offered when a made man is brought to trial
Jared Kushner referred to his Mafia cancer in his 2023 criminal trial