Cain church is a 14 year old born march 28 2010 and lives in remsenburg-speonk new york. he is very jewish and gets made fun of every day for it. cain church was put on probation for three months for criminal mischief
“Cain church is a stupid jew”
a group of teenagers that only care about trucks,boges,quads and country music. You will find most of them at ur local park exchanging dime bags of weed and drugs to each other. They often travel in large groups to seem tough. If u say something slightly negitive about there familys or them they will want to fight u because of it. and because of the first fight more scoob fights will soon follow just so they can get attention. they are deathly afraid of the cops because most of them already have criminal charges for senseless crimes. they treat there home state of urban NJ like its the louisiana byou. they think its cool to dress in hunting camo talk about muddin, fishing and the constant battle between ford and chevy
Scoobie gang/white church: what's up scoob, u gotta bogie?
A lesbian who is jelous of other people cause of how cool they are and calls them lesbian.
hey! look at that chloe church
Any of a group of churches emphasizing holiness, purity, and sanctification as a result of being filled with the holy spirit in a non-fundamentalistic manner.
The Wesleyan and the Nazarene are both members of a holiness church
Pucci Church is a discord server and the best hell to stay in by JY Pucci Shawty.
The other members are the best ngl. The red Ranks are shit. Except for coom taco.
Pucci Church is a discord server and the best hell to stay in by JY Pucci Shawty.
The other members are the best ngl. The red Ranks are shit. Except for coom taco.