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Two-bit tramping hoe

a girl who dresses for attention of the male population. has almost no brain and sleeps with anything with legs. can be either good looking or not. isn't worth no more than two-bits and a medical bill. can be considered pyscho by male popluation. women most use this term. Other factors: large groups or single, scantily clad women, underdressed teenagers, ex-girlfriends, or girls you just do not care to call your friends.

oh my gosh, mary! did you see all those two-bit tramping hoes at John's party last night? I almost died laughing when they tried to lap dance each other!

walking in the mall at summer time...See Mary, I told you it was two-bit tramping hoe season.

by crownvicp71grl March 28, 2010

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2 bit 4

A play on the word two bit whore. It's when you dont feel like being vulgar around your elders, such as your parents.

(Mom in the kitchen, while you're arguing with your girlfriend.) I don't like your ways. To me, your just a 2 bit 4.

by pango14762 April 9, 2011

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little bit of a hoe ily

her name is Jessica

"Jessica (insert name) you're a little Bit of a hoe ily boo"

by Hannahwiqp January 26, 2019

Gave dat bit malaria

When ur dick hits the back of her throat and she gets strep.

U got head bro?
Yea it hit that back of her throat... and that's how I gave dat bit malaria.

by Hung eye October 24, 2019

Imma grin a lil bit

lowkey celebrating something you're satisfied with. especially with a personal accomplishment that doesnt mean much to anyone else, but makes you happy.

EFB: *makes a joke in a twitter comment*
other twitterer: ah, you beat me to it
EFB: damn i think thats the first that ever happened, sorry for your loss but imma grin a lil bit

by ยกEl Fantazzzzma Blancoooooooo! June 19, 2019

8-bit Shit Fit

Becoming so frustrated with a difficult retro game that you throw a temper tantrum that usually ends with the classic controller chuck. Ragequitting an NES game.

"Dude, I got to level three in Battletoads, but it was so hard I had an 8-bit Shit Fit!"

by HydraMoonlight March 4, 2021

DBS ( Do Bits Society)

Popularised by Wes from Love Island. This is a club you would join much like the 'Mile High Club' when you are promiscuous in bed. Also known as 2nd Base

Trevor: Fam, you in da DBS ( Do Bits Society)

Dave: Yeah Brah, I got my fingers in the pie

by Tequiila July 31, 2018

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