Source Code

Rage Quit Game Change

The act of getting so angry with a game that you quit and put in a new, usually completely different game just to make yourself calm down.

Bob: What happened?
Tim: Dan did a rage quit game change. He got so pissed of at the noobs on COD that he took the game out of his xbox, threw it across the room, and put in need for speed

by Trace12 May 2, 2010

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Changing lanes without signaling

It's when a man goes from the vagina to the anus in one quick motion without warning his partner.

I was changing lanes without signaling on Renee in the shower and she went deaf for a minute.

by intelinside August 5, 2010

puerto rican oil change

It's when a chick blows a dude and he comes in her mouth, then without swallowing, she tosses his salad and spits the jiz back into his ass.

ME: "That Rosita bitch, gobbled up my load then spit back into my ass...what the fuck? "
My Bro: "Dude, that's fucking Urban Legend shit--that's the ever-elusive Puerto Rican Oil Change.

by Miriam Webster Shit April 6, 2017

female oil change

When the uterus Walls Start to shed.
At the beginning of the menstrual cycle email goes down on the female as in (munching rug licking the clam having a pink taco) sucks out this sweet hot sauce AKA the uterus wall membrane

She had her boyfriend perform a female oil change on her

by Shitya March 10, 2017

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War. War never changes.

War. War never changes.
In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he'd get to go home to his wife and the son he'd never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power.

People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream.

Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077. We stand on the brink of total war, and I am afraid. For myself, for my wife, for my infant son - because if my time in the army taught me one thing: it's that war, war never changes.

War. War never changes.

by slapping of the asscheeks August 15, 2019

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Last Thing Changed Logic

A logical fallacy that presents itself when someone incorrectly assumes that what caused an issue or problem with something mechanical, technical, or electronic (computers) was the result of whatever was changed last even though it is purely coincidental. This fallacy is commonly recognized by anyone from Auto Mechanics to IT Professionals due to the widespread decrease of brain capacity among humans in the world and corporate workforce today.

User: Yesterday you cleared my IE cache and now my emails are missing. Since that was the last thing that changed, you are automatically at fault.

IT Person: What I did has nothing to do with your emails missing; you probably deleted them or changed your view.

User: Nope, you are at fault, I'm calling your boss.

IT Person: (Thinks to him or herself) This is that flawed last thing changed logic. What a moron.

by Jack Bell November 11, 2009

puerto rican lane change

Switching 2 or more lanes at once while driving on a highway or multiple lane road.

Lamey McLamerton: "DUDE theres our exit 23 lanes over, and your in the far left lane during rush hour!!!"

TZ: "Watch this, i'll pull the best puerto rican lane change you've ever seen"

by TZ February 25, 2005

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