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Jew Hole

A random bit of (alleged) storage space. Most of the time they take the form of an extra closet that's big enough to fit at least three people but has no shelves.

They can also be smaller spaces that one must crawl into and around in, once inside.

Guy 1: Dude, this closet is huge, but why doesn't it have anywhere to put stuff? And why is there a tiny door in the back?

Guy 2: Oh, those're just the Jew Holes.

by TheMollyZ July 14, 2012

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Backwards Jew

A person of Jewish decent that that spends too much or is too generous with their money.

You always tip too much Zenkerman, you backwards Jew.

by bloodyscarlet May 10, 2010

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jew mong

A Jewish Mongoloid. See; Mongoloid

Josh just fucking slobbered all the fuck over me, what a fucking Jew Mong.

by Jew Mong April 25, 2008

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jew catching

when you see people geo caching they are jew catching

my mom went out of town on a jew catching trip

by lamthewhoareyouman January 16, 2011

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Beaner Jew

A Beaner Jew is a team killing fucktard on Halo, a friend who interrupts two drunk girls when they are making out because he is such a fucking idiot, or is someone you love to make fun of but keep running out of tasteful names for.
Note: a Beaner Jew can be any color or have any religion.

Jacobs such a fucking Beaner Jew! Can you believe that he told those two hot lesbians at the party last night to close the door because they were "Making to much noise"?

by jlklt1 January 24, 2012

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Boyertown Jew

A person living in Boyertown PA who demonstrates stereotypical Jewish traits. Can be Jew by blood but is not limited to just that, anyone can be one. Most commonly referred to people that are very money obsessed. unlike real Jews Boyertown Jews boast how Jewish they are, as sort of a competition between other Boyertown Jews.

Boyertown Jews also demonstrate stereotypes in public ex: jump at the chance to pick up change on the ground, love saving money and express it, ect.

" Melvin is such a Boyertown Jew, look! he is picking up change"
Melvin- "hell yea free money!"

" do you want the rest of my lunch?"
Melvin- "is it free?"
Melvin- "then its not even a question"

"funerals are like eight or nine grand"
Melvin- " screw that! when I die throw me in the nearest

by some guy26482 September 29, 2011

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Smelly Jew

A hairy, long, curly penis.

"He pulled down his pants and I immediately noticed that he had a Smelly Jew."

by Th3 Ax1s - B3ni70 February 20, 2012

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