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Swear On God it can be used as a substitute for istg or i swear to god

guy#1- Yooooo Burger King food is ass
guy#2- Bruh SOnG it doessss

by phuck y0u April 17, 2022


a music with words that'll make you HAVE FUN

person 1 whats that music with words
person 2 it is called a song
person 1 great is is good

by liyuistupidandefiessanismart April 29, 2021


when your listening to a song and someone that is around starts to listen to the exact same song

I was just listen to that song you are such a song-biter

by FlowerakaFlower August 21, 2011

Tunnel song

A tunnel song evokes feelings of euphoria, happiness, calmness, and the sense that change is forthcoming. The term became popularized from the film "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". Even though "Heroes" by David Bowie is used in the movie a tunnel song varies between individuals and their experiences

"Have you heard the song ___? I think it's my new tunnel song."
"This is a list of my tunnel songs, they have changed a lot as I've grown up."

by watermelon crocs January 21, 2023

I love that song

A response when someone compliments you, and you have a hard time saying "thank you."

"You look like you stepped out of a street-style blog.""Your riz could power a city." "You're like human sunshine."
I love that song.

by mn-73 June 21, 2024

Song Destiny

When you are entering or leaving a vehicle and a particular song is on the radio (that you like or don't) Then you leave for a period of time and come back and the same exact song is playing at the exact point where you left off. Even if you change the station it's on another one .

Oh my gosh, "Uptown Funk" was on the radio when I got out of the car 8 hours ago ! It must be Song Destiny that I be subjected to this particular song at this point in time .

by ewanders1 February 25, 2015

Katherine Song

A person that is probably very talented and godly at violin

It's Katherine Song, the violin virtuoso

by udstuff00 February 10, 2020