When your dick is so big and hard that it tears your gfs
Bf gave me rip throat yesterday, i have neck literally teared apart.
Karen Throat is when your throat is sore from sucking a coaches cock but your kid is still not getting enough playing time.
I have Karen Throat and my kid is sitting on the G-Dam bench.
When stomach acid is in your throat and you need to eat tums
Have you ever had pepper throat before?
Female with a scratchy raspy voice kinda manly. When she sings its off key and missing. She throat broke.
That girl can't sing for shit, she throat broke.
What is wrong with her voice?
She throat broke
The thing that makes your voice go
Jimmy uses his throat box to sing a sick song
TTM it means when your girlfriend is on her period and she very horny and she sucks your dick with vengeance, leaving your balls and shlong wet very wet.
Hey babe I'm ready for your throat thirst mania rumble.
Someone who excels in the act of sucking the genitals of several men. Receiving head from one of these individuals is a once in a lifetime experience as there has been many reports of people reaching true enlightenment after the act.
Adrian: "Holy shit Logan is a Throat DEMON, you have to try it bro!"
Angel: Bet bro send his ass my way.