A sweaty pussy that has been marinating in moist panties all day, causing offensive aromas. A smelly snatch that stinks like low tide. Also a song.
My girlfriend needs to shower when she gets home otherwise her steamed peach will make me retch.
Text to speech used by somebody who talks to their phone like it is their therapist, and not a robot converting their gibberish inner-monologue.
Usually accompanied by run-on sentences lacking punctuation, often sprinkled homophones with , and frequently reads worse than something written by someone with English as a second language.
Customer: "... I would say that is weigh to much for a bike that cost almost 2 grand, how am I to make sense in spending so much, need a front rim north background should be used on this bike because of the weight of it, I offered to send the rim to you at my cost, your bike mechanics know that they can match true it at 100%, why else would they give me a Saul brush off, I need your cooperation in getting test done, I am a consumer of this spike.."
*30 clauses later*
Customer: "Sorry using SIRI Texas Peach"
When you take a girl home and her taint stinks from riding horses on the ranch all day, so you pour a can of peaches on her pussy and use the heavy syrup as lube AND to cover up the smell. Bonus, after sex you get some ice cream, mix with the smashed up peaches, and have a nice snack.
Girl come over here and let me turn you into a texas peach.
texas peach
Lovely peaches is a beautiful influencer who started her platform on instagram. Lovely peaches has been seen eating her used tampons, drinking cleaning chemicals, and much more beautiful things.
Lovely peaches is also a huge fan of Nicki Minaj.
A crazy person...she thinks taking showers is a "trend." She also made a song about her p****
"Have you heard of Lovely Peaches?" -Person A
"Yeah, she's crazy" -Person B
A homosexual guy trying to seem attracted to girls by making exaggerated comments on their looks.
Poor Steven. He was peaching all day in the hotel to the waitresses just so that his parents believe he is straight.
exposing your bare buttocks to (someone) in order to insult or amuse them or arouse them and can also be used as a form of protest.
My Friend got Drunk and started peaching me, it was very inappropriate.