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spider wank

to come in your hand and then throw at someone like spider man shooting a web

i wanked in my hand and throw at my girlfriends face which is a spider wank

by woody1984 October 3, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

tit wank

when a girl pushes her beautiful babalons together and the man rams his erect penis up and down the middle of them.

Bernard- "Cor' Blimey Did I Give Margeret A fuckin' Last Night. And A Neat Tit Wank!"

by Joe Nazmdeh November 5, 2005

472๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž

Power Wank

To stand in front of a full size mirror, only wearing a viking helmet and 'wank' solidly for 10 minutes while listening to 'The Ride Of The Valkyries' (the one from Apocalypse Now)

Person A - "I had an awsome power wank last night"
Person B - "Wierdo"

by Jonnie66 August 16, 2006

134๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gorilla Wank

Furious two handed masturbation whilst grunting like a gorilla, most likely by a retard

Peter Gains:A Gorilla Wank is by A dim-witted male who feverishly wanks like there is no tomorrow.

by martin excell June 18, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swanky Wank

the act of renting a nice hotel room for you and your lady then she doesnt show.....so you are forced into masturbating.

this bitch didnt show so i had to tap myself into a swanky wank.

by greg March 28, 2004

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Sick Wank

Having a standard masturbation session with one big difference, either during, or as you ejaculate (depending on the preference of the individual) you are vomiting or wretching due to illness or forced regurgitation.

I had an amazing sick wank the other day, managed to chunder just as I came it was magic.

by Disgraceful bus driver March 21, 2011

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wank wall

A wall, usually in ones bedroom, with erotic images attached to it.

"This portrait of Maggie Thatcher is going on my wank wall for sure!"

by dogboy1 May 27, 2008

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