To do something that resembles in any way being a freshman. This can range from not getting our jokes about the Roberts(chem), or just acting like a freshman and saying "hater".
see also:
Pull a Kreiger
Read on to see people pull a Scutt:
"you best be yall mothers"
"yo, where's my calculator?!?"
"Docta caps, I love a-mir"
To evade a question by answering back with the question.
A - "My name name"
B - "Oh A is pulling a Lely"
To evade a question by answering back with the question
A - "My name name"
B - "Oh A is pulling a Lely"
To evade a question by answering back with the question.
A - "My name name"
B - "Oh A is pulling a Lely"
To evade a question by answering back with the question.
A - "My name name"
B - "Oh A is pulling a Lely"
When a victorious person grabs the front of their shirt and pulls in a quick motion.
Luke was winning in cards all night. He ended every victorious round with a victory pull!
Backstabbing someone for no apparent reason other than for dramatic effect and self-pity.
"Bro I got fired from my job because Kinsey accused me of rape."
"Damn, she really pulled a Bubblez on you."
"Yea who thought she would Pull a Bubblez."