Thigh Gap in-between cooch to breathe in. The area to put ones face to munch box. Also to clean "The Carpet".
Pmed has a fat Face Pocket.
Making sweet sweet bum love with an ugly lady whilst standing. Because her face is like a badgers arse it puts you off so you turn her around so that she is facing (North) away from you, while you plough the back yrad
I got so drunk last Sunday I took ugly Mary in the Alley behind Greg's.
Christ, I hope she let you do her like a North facing backyard
Its when a guy forces his head face first into a female.
Person One: How was your night last night?
Person Two: Not Bad, got to "Face Clunge" my wife!
Lana Del Rey’s top .001% monthly listener, smokes candy flavored vapes, does ❄️ on the weekends but won’t drink dairy. Will make you ask your Mom for your exact birth time and place …
Greg: Yo, did you see that girl by the DJ booth?
Max: Yeah, no. She’s an angel face disaster. I wouldn’t if I were you…
Lana del Rey’s top .001% monthly listener, smokes candy flavored vapes, does ❄️ on the weekends but won’t drink dairy. Will make you ask your Mom for your exact birth time and place...
Max: Yo, did you see that girl by the DJ booth?
Greg: No, yeah. She's a total angel face disaster though... I wouldn't if I were you.
Hahahahaha! I mean, you see how it's the best thing to say there, right?
Hym "Fuck yourself in the face! Classic me. Right up in that face. Heheheheh... Welp... Anyways... Kids are shit. Every time they die an angel gets an erection. If I control those biblically accurate angel drone, my plan to become God worked and I've effectively created a sort of future-self grandfather paradox where I am literally the Christian/Jewish God you worship. I am the flood that consumes the world. I am the fire and the fury that razes Sodom and Gomorrah. If my brain isn't infected and I'm instead becoming an immortal nanobot vampire... Dope. That's dope. We're going to have a lot of fun.... Yeah..."