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Heel-Face Turn

When a character who was previously an antagonist becomes a protagonist.

The villain's heel-face turn was so sudden, one minute he was plotting world domination, the next he was baking cookies for orphans."

by DictionaryDecimator July 6, 2024

open faced camel toe

open faced camel toe

she was wearing a full body suit but it was so see through i could see the open faced camel toe.

by thefunkylee August 15, 2018

velcro face

all kinds of beards (including a goatee), 5 o'clock shadow, etc. Basically anything other than a clean shaven face.

Your velcro face makes you look like a cave man. A clean shave is so much more professional. Plus, it makes you look younger.

by allwrong4u February 12, 2018

Round Face

Racial slur used against people from Slovakia

Polack: Get yo round face outta here


by Chillmarian November 3, 2023

Resting Botch Face

When someone has had so much botox, fillers, injections &/or plastic surgery, that they can't show normal expressions or emotions. Their face has a permanent " stank face" expression on it, with flared nostrils and puffy cheeks.

What's going on with Kylie Jenners cheeks? Looks like too much filled or botox or something.

Nah. It's just resting botch face. The Kardashians all have it too.

by KattheBrat July 12, 2023

scabby face

Usually a hard druggy. Scabby face refers to a tweaked who scratches their skin, particularly their face, which leaves scabs; hence the name scabby face. Typically done when they’re high or withdrawing. You can often find them in trap houses.

Man 1: That trap house I went to the other day had a ton of scabby faces.
Man 2: what’s a scabby face?
Man 1: a tweaker that scratches themselves when they’re high or withdrawing.

Ex 2:

Man 1: Bro you see that scabby face trippin balls across the street over there?
Man 2: yeah bro let’s get away from that.

by Streetwordbank October 21, 2023


Face-Couging is when a mother uses the social website Facebook to find younger sexual partners. Face-cougars most often seek out the childhood friends of their offspring, those subjects offering an excuse for first contact.

Better buy some rubbers bro. Brando's mom is face-couging you.

by Mister Fitzgerald January 4, 2011