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Jalen R.

A Smart and Silly young man who is shy but is kind at heart.
Also, he don't take no shit either.

I want to be that Jalen's friend! Did you see that Jalen R.? That Dude's OP

by AnimeKid_69 May 25, 2018


A subreddit where people post images that “beated their meat”

These images are often bad memes and shitposts.

Dave: Have you seen r/beatMeatToIt recently?
Bill: Yeah it’s really terrible now.

by Is_Gordon_Ramsay June 2, 2023

Francis R.

1. Guilt tripper
2. Sensitive
3. Narcissistic
5. despite having a girlfriend, he flirts with everyone
6. He is stupid, yet he believes he is intelligent.

"You are like Francis R., I'm disappointed"

by messengerhandler May 23, 2022


A really weird subreddit filled with anti-gamers who want Reddit banned, and think they are on Facebook

Redditor: *posts on r/BanReddit saying "Why are you on Reddit if you want it banned?*
Anti-Gamer: tHiS iS fAcEbOoK nOt ReDdIt!!111!!!

by AmtrakF40PH398 November 5, 2021


Really odd subreddit where people that roleplay with asterisks creepily are posted.

discord mod: ‘*slowly licks lips* kitten *removes kitten’s bra*’
kitten: ‘nope nope nooooope’ *blocks and posts on r/creepyasterisks*

by Selever [they/them] June 4, 2021


a reddit tag (mostly used on youtube) to describe someone as useless, or what they do is not helpful.

username 1: does anybody know how to put up LED lights?
username 2: no
username 1: r/useless

by daddysunbaenim March 18, 2021


a discord server that tech obsessed degenerates join to talk about the iPod franchise by apple inc.
it's unusual community has created many a cat girl and dog boy often leading to self searching about their gender identity and sexual orientation and if they are a furry or not.
the mod team that mods this hell are made up of those who have survived the hell for so long that they gain enough power to ban those who break the rules and act like wankers.

me: dude, did you join /r/iPod?
you: yea i did, why?
me: i pray to whatever deity exists to have mercy on your soul when you die.

by The Blood God March 8, 2021