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A facebook phenomenon where college bound high school students change their facebook names so that colleges where they have applied to will not be able to correctly find or identify them, subsequently avoiding any chances of the interception of innapropriate behavior/pictures/conversations which may make a college defer the individuals application.

Mindy: Hey man I looked for you on Facebook last night but I couldn't find you..

Dirk: Oh yeah I de-college-a-find-ed myself cause I just sent in all my applications and I didn't want them finding the pictures from Wednesday night.

Mindy: Yea... I guess doing a goat and then posting up the pictures tagged as your baaaahhh-yfriend IS pretty fucked up.

by SlappyKielbasa January 13, 2010

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ed edd n eddy

A good show to watch if youre stoned.

1: ed edd n eddy is funny as hell
2: thats only because youre stoned
1: yeah i know cartoons rock when youre stoned dude

by stewfoo January 9, 2005

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Atta boy Ed!

The act of doing something Edish. Meaning doing something in an awkward or stupid way.

Atta boy Ed! You just broke the Tuba.

by Urbane Urbanite May 10, 2016

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op-ed calumnist

An editorial writer engaged in calumny - peddling false and malicious statements about someone, with the intent to inflict damage.

Under a tight deadline, needing a really juicy bit of character assassination, the op-ed calumnist linked Biden to Pizzagate.

by Monkey's Dad October 1, 2020

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you got gramma-ed

When you get so dumb assed drunk at family functions your grandma confiscates all your alcohol.

You were so drunk you got gramma-ed

by Femalebauz May 28, 2017

Ed sheeran kinnie Teddy

Best mf you could ever meet, will slay people and other creatures like your bed bugs for you and commit arson occasionally.
Semi-aggressive when you reject their compliments though, gotta use a bat to shut up๐Ÿ’”

They are the Ed sheeran kinnie Teddy.

by Jordan_Ackerman July 1, 2021

I hate Ed Sheeran

If someone tells you this you should date them immediately.

Someone: I hate Ed Sheeran
Me: Me too
Us: Gets married

by gfvgngndbfbfbnffbdgfhngmnhhnh February 25, 2021

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