Wow a hybrid between a prime minister and president! What fun.... the hair is tragic, so is the skin colour... oranges called they want they're colour back.
Person 1: paha that's a big orange oo and look at the dust
Person 2: nah that's a mix of Donald Trump and Bor is Johnson what a dick!
Person 1: true, hes a right Donald Johnson
The best discord user. A chad. Gets all the women also has big hair
Example- you are a donald na
Donald is the shitttt. He is an amazing, handsome , intelligent, unique, and interesting man. Donald is a sweetheart. he is awesome at everything he does. Donald may seem shy at times, especially if he likes you a lot , but once he gets to know you, you'll see what a amazing boy he is, inside and out. he loves music. Donald is athletic. he's into dirt bikes a and four wheelers. he also adores everything from puppies to the ocean and you, if you treat him right. everyone wants to be Donald. all the boys and girls are jealous of him because of who he is dating and all the girls want him. mess with him or his friends and he'll kick your ass. go ahead, talk shit about him. he doesn't care, he already knows he's better than you. if you ever meet a Donald, treat him right because you don't want to lose him.
That must be a Donald H. He looks so confident
Hottie with a nice body and a GREAT, LONG, NECK!!!! You wanna take a bite out of his Adam’s apple reallll bad.
Did you see Donald Anderson today? His Adam’s apple looked juicier than ever!!
The main attractions for teens typically placed in all town centres. A regulars meeting place for teens who are skiving school for a "orthodontist appointment" or a place to meet ur gang arfter school . Here you can spot ur maccys regulars usually causing havoc and mc workers throwing the school kids out . McDonald's is also the place of most big fights and the best mc gossip to earwig on .Mc donalds is also the claimer of 100% chicken when we know that's a lie as it all tastes good and aslong as they do there signature stick a mc infront , it's fine by us . Mc donalds,The perfect place to spend ur loose change , stay overnight or for a pre gym work out snack.
Stacy : "oi mate meet me back of maccys (Mac Donald's)4pm ya goin down cuz "
Also Stacy at 3:45pm :(sitting eating cheesy bites and a mc chicken legend)
When every asshole narcisisit in world or us of a who needs someone to scapegoat because they cant stand to see someone who has the same atributes of them or cant see the forest through tress gets out there with other assholes like them self to become Donaled trumped in a mystifying mass hysteria . carry alot of signs make art, think they are arrogantlyh informed and are throwing stones in mirror of themself and call people names before they have or feel repsonible to cure themself of what they are. Arrogantly display signs and defects of social failures and use a puppet man to throw stones because they need something to become violently involved in wear buttons signs and protest ... while being conservatively very george orwell animal farm themself.. Donald trumped....
The whole pack of neoconservative hippies from day and the narcicisistic liberals were all out pushing the vote and hating on president getting all donald trumped over it when they refuse to look at themself as he is them in a different body . eats macdonalds paranoid . could care less about nothing but money. dont like dogs. reprivef turkeys on thanksgiving. and have to follow trendy things to feel concern and hate to face truth and think they are large and over people no soul and its alla bout them..
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